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Mechanical Bearing Technology Co., Ltd.

Company Culture

Enterprise culture is the spiritual wealth and material form with the characteristics of the enterprise created in the production, operation and management activities of the enterprise under certain conditions. It includes corporate vision, cultural concepts, values, corporate spirit, ethics, codes of conduct, historical traditions, corporate systems, cultural environment, corporate products, etc. Values are the core of corporate culture.

Corporate culture is the soul of an enterprise and an inexhaustible driving force for its development. It contains very rich content, and its core is the spirit and values of the enterprise. The values here do not generally refer to various cultural phenomena in enterprise management, but the values held by the enterprise or its employees in their business activities.

Corporate culture is the sum of business philosophy, business purpose, business policy, value concept, business behavior, social responsibility, business image, etc. formed by an enterprise in its business activities. It is the fundamental embodiment of enterprise individuation, and it is the soul of enterprise survival, competition and development.